Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.
A key tenet of how we conduct our business is to protect the health and safety of our employees, contractors and the communities where we operate. We are committed to our employees and their safety, and to ensuring that all of our colleagues get home safely every day.
We take seriously our responsibility to prevent incidents that could harm workers, the community or the environment. We continually evaluate risks and have detailed emergency plans in place. Our manufacturing sites maintain their own emergency response teams, including teams trained to respond to medical incidents, fires or releases of hazardous materials. Site workers are trained on the proper procedures to follow in the event of an emergency and regular drills are conducted to test these procedures. We also coordinate preparation and planning with local government agencies and emergency responders. Our in-house emergency response teams not only keep our own people and facilities safe, they also support local fire departments.
As the products we manufacture are used in thousands of everyday applications, it is also critical that our products be handled and used safely by our employees and customers. We operate a worldwide product stewardship program that aims to make health, safety, and environmental protection an integral part of the development, manufacture, distribution, use, recycling and disposal of all our products. We also work closely with our suppliers, carriers, distributors and customers to help them maintain high safety and environmental standards by providing technical assistance, training and logistic support as well as health, safety and environmental information.